Therapeutic Exercises
Exercise For Life- Exercise is essential for a long, healthy and fulfilling life. Exercise has been scientifically shown to increase health by lowering blood cholesterol levels, strengthening the immune system, lowering body fat, increasing muscle strength, tone and function.
Chiropractors understand the important role of exercise and the essential role it can play in health. Encouragement is given to all patients to participate in physical activities which promote cardiovascular health and Dr. Longo can assist you in finding the right activity for you. A recommendation is given to those patients over the age of 40 or those with a known health concern to consult Dr. Longo or your primary medical provider prior to initiating any exercise regimen.
Exercise For Injuries- Therapeutic exercises for the neck, back, and extremities are an essential part of the rehabilitative process following an injury. Chiropractors commonly prescribe specific strengthening and stabilizing exercises and stretches for their patients with back, neck and extremity problems.
Exercise provides many health benefits during the healing and preventative stages. Early on, exercise is able to prevent muscle deterioration and to promote joint health. Later on, exercise can increase strength, proprioception and stability to help protect from new injuries and recurrences of past aggrevating problems.